Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Blog

This Blog is moving! I've decided to go with Wordpress. Although I want to do some customization and so forth...its not all done yet. But blogspot has been transfered. You can check it out here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I have a new website!

I finally have my new website. I went live on Friday! Same address, but new look! I now have a flash site. So go check it out and let me know what you think!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Color Pop

Just thought I'd share a before and after set of photos today. These were shot at Santa Anita Race Track yesterday afternoon.

The SOCC Photo:

The Color Saturated Photo:

...and two photos of a California Poppy Flowers:

Friday, April 4, 2008

Urban Workshop!

I haven't posted in a while, but hopefully should have some shoots coming soon. I know there will be an engagement session soon, and probably a few others.

I'm totally stoked about a workshop I'm planning on taking in the LA area in July. Something that I don't see offered to much in my area is Urban Photography and I love it! How cool. I am a big admirer of "out of the box thinking" when it comes to photography. Something besides parks, beaches, and flower gardens. So I have decided to take an Urban Workshop and get my creative juices flowing. Hopefully I can apply things I learn to engagements, children, seniors, etc...Not only is the photographer going to show how she goes about shooting urban photos, but also lighting, photoshop techniques, I'm hoping to get a lot out of this workshop. Check out some of her urban style photographes here. So any potential clients in the antelope valley that are looking for urban style photos, check back with me after July.

Here's a photo for you from Wyoming

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our Cat Clyde

I shot these this morning tetsing out my new camera (canon 5D). Check out those green eyes!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Scenes From Salt Lake City

As promised. Here's more random photos.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Slideshow for Nancy's Birthday Party

Two weeks later...but here is the slideshow for Nancy's 60th Surprise Birthday Party! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Photo of the week

Okay, so it probably won't be photos of the week all the time. But I think I'm going to try and post random photos I have taken as well as my photos from my photoshoots on this blog. I'll put them under the label "photos of the week". Hope you enjoy!

Todays photos are from Santa Anita Racetrack . I love the dog ones, he was just to cute!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Nancy Turns 60

This past Saturday I photographed a surprise birthday party. The guest of honor was Nancy and she had tons of family and friends to celebrate with. I had lots of fun shooting this party. Everyone was having such a good time, which gave me some great opportunities for photographs. I'm really excited to go through the rest of the photos. As always here are some sneak peak photos, until I complete the slideshow. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Agvilar Family Slideshow

I've been meaning to post this for a little bit. Sorry it took so long! The holidays just snuck right up on me and it was a busier time then I anticipated. But now its back to reality. So I'm back to work and back to photography. Here is the slideshow for the Agvilar Famiily. Enjoy! More to come in a few weeks, I have a birthday party next weekend.

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Web Site

Yeah. I'm so excited. I will finally have my own website for all my photoshoots real soon. It's in the works. But I'm doing it all myself, and I don't know know html, so just bare with me and it will be up and running real soon.

The new site is

You can check it out, but keep in mind that it is a work in progress.